Bud worm, Anarsia epotias
Symptoms of damage |
- Webbed flowers and buds
- Shedding of buds and flowers.
- Bore holes and excreta seen on attacked flowers.
Identification of pest |
- Larva - small, slender, pinkish brown with black head
- Adult: Grey moth with black patch on wings.
Management |
- Spray phosalone 35 EC 2 ml/lit or phosphamidon 40 SL 2 ml/lit.
- Application of neem oil 2% or neem seed kernel extract 5 %.
Fruit fly, Bactrocera (Dacus) dorsalis
Symptoms of damage |
- Maggot bore into semi-ripen fruits with decayed spots and dropping of fruits.
- Oozing of fluid
- Brownish rotten patches on fruits.
Identification of pest |
- Larva - Yellowish apodous maggots.
- Adult - Light brown with transparent wing
Maggots |
Adult |
Management |
- Collect fallen infested fruits and dispose them by dumping in a pit and covering with soil.
- Provide summer ploughing to expose the pupa
- Monitor the activity of flies with methyl eugenol sex lure traps.
- Use bait spray combing any one of the insecticides and molasses or jaggery 10 g/l
- fenthion 100EC 1ml/l,
- malathion 50EC 2 ml/l,
- dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/l,
- carbaryl 50 WP 4 g/l. two rounds at 2 weeks interval before ripening of fruits.
- Prepare bait with methyl eugenol 1% solution mixed with malathion 0.1%.
- Take 10 ml of this mixture per trap and keep them in 25 different places in one hectare
- Heavy infestation - application of dust and sprays of pyrethrum or BHC
- Spray fenthion 100 EC 2 ml/ lit or malathion 50 EC 2ml/lit.
- Field release of natural enemies Opius compensates and Spalangia philippines
Stem borer, Plocaederus ferrugineus
Symptoms of damage |
- Presence of small holes at the collar region
- Gummosis
- Extrusion of frass through the bore holes at the collar region
- Yellowing and shedding of leaves
- Drying up of twigs and gradual death of the tree.
Identification of pest |
- Adult - medium sized reddish brown beetle.
- Head and thorax - dark brown or almost black.
Management |
- Collect and destroy the damaged plants
- Field sanitation
- Swab Coal tar + Kerosene @ 1:2 or Carbaryl 50 WP 20 g / l on the basal portion of the trunk ( 3 feet height)
- After scraping the loose bark to prevent oviposition by adult beetles.
- If infestations are severe then apply the copper oxychloride paste on the trunk of the tree.
- One celphos tablet (3 g aluminum phosphide) per hole
- Apply carbofuran 3G 5 g per hole and plug with mud.
Leaf webber or Chichoo moth, Nephopteyrx eugraphella
Symptoms of damage |
- Caterpillar webs and feed on leaves
- Scrapping chlorophyll content
- Leaves dried and hanging from the webbed shoots
- Caterpillar bores into flower buds and tender fruits - withered and shed.
Identification of pest |
- Egg - pale yellow colour, oval shaped
- Larva – pinkish in colour, brown stripes on each side of the body.
- Adult: Greyish moth with brown or black spot on the fore wing
Management |
- Remove and destruct the infested fruits from the orchard
- Collect and remove the dried clusters of leaf web
- Insecticides: Spray phosalone 35 EC 2 ml/lit or phosphamidon 40 SL 2 ml/lit or neem seed kernel extract
5 %.
- Spray application of cypermethrin 0.025 % affords protection.
5. Hairy caterpillar, Metanastria hytaca
Symptoms of damage |
- Caterpillars feed on leaves
- Defoliation
Identification of pest |
- Larva - yellowish brown with black spots and long lateral tufts of hairs
- Adults: Grayish head and thorax and whitish abdomen.
- Forewings are reddish brown spot ringed with white
- Hind wings are white.
Management |
- Field sanitation
- Free from weeds and debris
- Collect and destroy the egg mass
- Burning the groups of larvae found on tree trunks with torches.
- Spray chlorpyriphos 20EC or phosalone 2 ml/l
- Spraying of cypermethrin 0.025%.
- Dusting carbaryl 10 D on the trunk and branches (around the tree 4 feet)
- Field release of chalcidid wasp, Brachymeria sp.
Striped mealy bug: Ferrisia virgata
Symptoms of damage |
- Presence of white mealy mass on the terminal shoots and under surface of the leaves
- Yellowing of older leaves
Identification of pest |
- Adult - Female has long filaments on the posterior end of the body
Management |
- Collect and destroy egg masses and caterpillars
- Use burning torch to kill the congregating larvae
- Use light trap to attract and kill the adults
- Spray methyl demeton 25 EC@ 0.05%or dimethoate 30 EC @ 0.06%
- Field release of Cryptoleamus montrouzieri 20 per tree
Green Scale, Coccus viridis
Symptoms of damage |
- Nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves
- Yellowing of leaves
Identification of pest |
- Nymph: Pale lemon yellow
- Adult: green, flat oval soft scale
Management |
- Prune and destroy the infested shoots at initial stage of infestation.
- After two weeks release 20 predator beetles viz., C. montrouzieri beetle per tree.
- Encourage parasitoids viz., Aneristis sp Coccophgagus cowperi, C. bogoriensis